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  • qianaudiary

Adelaide Inspirations: The Story Behind The Lab Food + Coffee

“We want to look after our doctors well, because they are the people who always look after us.”

As a foodie, I love to explore local places. This morning I picked the café: The Lab Food + Coffee after knowing it has won the Eastside Business Awards Best Cafe. What makes it unique? Let me find out.

As soon as walking into this café, I picked up the lab feel. Hmm, interesting. Then I received their friendly service.

“I like your jumper, so cool. Very colourful.”

The barista said, and that’s how our conversation started. After sipping my delicious mocha and doing my study, I couldn’t hold off my curiosity anymore. “Why did the owner choose to design like this? There must be some stories.” I fired my questions.

I was then introduced to the owner and the director of AMPHEaT Australian Medical Placements Health Education and Training for Medical Professionals Jodi. After hearing my purpose, she quickly said: come with me. Let me show you upstairs. (Wow, I didn’t know my endless curiosity has this special power😊) Thanks to this trip, I discovered a kind cause behind the café.

Initially, downstairs was only a place for catering when they had trainings for doctors (They look after 4000 doctors.) Then they decided to open this café. I like their philosophy: Delicious food. Great coffee. Community Conscience (Make a difference to someone in your community who's lost their job & more in these tough times, by paying a meal forward & we'll match it from our side).

Also, I like the fact that they genuinely care doctors. Apart from providing trainings and events for them, Jodi told me they also host cooking classes, about every 6 weeks. “We found many doctors don’t get fed well, because there aren’t many cafes in the countryside. Therefore, we decided to organise cooking lessons for them to educate them on how to cook simple and healthy dishes.”

“Really? Doctors don’t know that?” Hearing that, I was so surprised.

“No, they pay too much care and attention to others, thus they don’t look after themselves well. So we want to look after them.”

Moreover, Jodi told me currently they are planning the HELP Awards They want to celebrate the stories of those who have made a difference in people's life or community through this difficult time. What a wonderful initiative! So if you know someone, don't forget to vote.

Thank you for showing me around. Your love, kindness and inspirations filled my heart with more sunshine today😊

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