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  • qianaudiary

Q&A with Myself🎥 - My 2019 Reflections

Happy New Year, everyone! 🍃

Now we officially entered into the 20s of the 21st century 😉

Looking back at the 2010s, the most exciting thing for me is to come to my first foreign country, Australia, to study and live. It has been wonderful to see another part of the world and discover myself much more. Forever grateful to this adventure!!!

Here comes Q&A with myself🎥 - Reflections for my 2019

🌟 Top 3 highlights:

1. Finally, I decided to follow my passion and take actions.

Thank you so much for my friend Rosie for your recommended book Big Magic and my previous colleague Joon’s encouragement. I got to know:

  • Everyone has their responsibility to bring our own talents, and there will always be someone who likes your work.

  • Don’t complain or doubt yourself if you haven't even tried.

  • I will regret if I don't do this when I grow old.

2. I changed my job.

I can use my talent more and have more interactions with our lovely students and staff. Thanks. Fancy meeting you all.

3. Excited to become a creator.

I've created my personal monthly blog, finally. And started to present in front of the camera and make videos.

🌟 Top 3 achievements:

1. My blog post "3 Things Chinese Students Like About Adelaidians/Australians" is featured on the City of Adelaide's website . This is really beyond my expectation.

2. I became crazy into interviewing people :)

This year I've done 55 interviews with people. 8 are outside of my radio program. Every time after talking to them I felt so inspired, and my mind and soul got so nourished. Thank you for being interviewed. I still have so much to edit.

3. Travelled with my family, including my mum, uncle and auntie, together in China. Seeing they had a lovely time made me smile too.

🌟 Top 3 things that I learned:

1. Only doing things I genuinely love has the magical power for consistency.

Therefore, to find that passion or curiosity is critical. Listen to what your heart longs for.

2. Not only act, but also dream. Not only plan, but also believe.

Have a specific deadline. For example, my blog is monthly. Next time I need to plan better at what I want to write for every month so I can be less panic:)

3. Don’t wait for things to happen. Create them.

I took the initiative to seek my interviewees. Create from your heart, and let the universe do the rest.

🌟 Top 3 inspiring books that I read:

1. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

2. Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results by Stephen Guise

3. Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard by Liz Murray

What about your reflections for 2019? I am excited to know 🤗

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